Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flying Feeling

I pushed the pedal down, feeling a thrill of exhilaration and a stab of anxiousness, wondering if I could make it up the hill without the tell tell knock, knock, knocking of a misfiring cylinder. My car has been under the weather for awhile, engine light on, leaving me fearful of standing, stranded on the side of the highway. I've tried a few things and hit the road with anticipation to see if they've done the trick, usually ending with a car that runs better but still not hitting on all four. So there I was climbing that hill, accelerator depressed, fourth gear, hit the clutch, threw the transmission into fifth... and sailed right on over the crest without a knock or a ping. Yes! Hallelujah! I sped on up to the limit and over, only slightly though, I didn't need to risk a ticket and thus bring my spirits crashing down. By the time I returned home the engine light was off, waiting to warn and frighten me again another day. While I am elated there's still a fear lurking in my mind that it's all just a fluke, that come Monday my car will be back to it's old tricks, and tics and knocks and pings, but if it does I'll just go back to the drawing board and try, try again. But for a night at least I felt like I was flying.