Saturday, August 28, 2010

My split personalities have split personalities.

There are lots of things I do not believe in like- Superman and Robin Hood are still alive in Hollywood, that gasolines in short supply, the rising cost of getting by, but I believe in love- , I also don't believe in astrology. It's ridiculous on a grand scale considering the light from the stars we see in the sky have been traveling toward earth for millions of years but scoff as I may you'd be hard pressed to find a more true Gemini. To say I have a dual personality would be putting it mildly. As Kattie Perry put it, I'm hot and I'm cold, I'm yes and I'm no... I pms like a bitch and she should know. I'm country, folk, pop and rock and most everything in between. I'm a cultural luve a, and a beer swilling bubba. I'm blue collar meat and potatoes with a love of bohemia. I'm a bleeding heart liberal with a conservative slant. I'm alternatively a health nut and a glutton, which leaves me soft in the middle. I love knowledge for knowledge's sake but believe the only good brains cells are the ones you kill. I believe Socrates was sadly mistaken when he said the unexamined life isn't worth living, to examine life and death and the meaning there of is to rob yourself of happiness. So think of ball games (go Panthers!) and movies and t.v too, think of women and beer and contemplate a new tatto, or think of books and stories and theater like I do. Fill your mind with deep meditative yet empty thoughts, or become a specialist in some field of astrophysics or history. Think up ideas or if you must think on ideologies, but please keep your dogma to yourself. But don't give life itself to much attention. Mostly in life I have, like electricity, followed the path of least resistance and like water always found my on level. I go from happy to miserable and back again at mach speed. I can be such a joy to live with. It has been suggested on a few occasions that I seek medicinal help, but I hold off and hope for the best. To be honest, and let's face it that seems to have become my m.o. on this blog, I'm scared to take happy pills because I want to be able to feel, to empathize, I may not like the lows but I do adore the highs. I think I'd rather live a sine wave than to live a flat line, because a flat line sounds like dying - and dying to me don't sound like that much fun... I fight authority, authority always winning- of course, I'm also the authority too. So when my wife says, "I love you, I just wish you were better," don't judge her, I know what she means.


  1. sometimes I feel a flat line would be welcome. But I do enjoy the highs... But I embrace them so much the lows devastate me. I feel like I'm whining at times. Lamb, as you know is one of my favorite books, and I think just because it is a very silly book about something that is considered Taboo by most it does teach a lesson... read the crucifixion scene, is it not as gut wrenching or even more so that in the bible... It's because you feel like you have gotten to know "Joshua". Sometimes life seems like that, not that your going to be crucified for your sins, but that sometimes the more you embrace the more you hurt... but to not embrace life is to miss out... where is the happy medium?

  2. I thinks there's a medium out near the Sunset Drive-in, I don't know if she's happy or not. But seriously folks..., I don't know that there is a happy medium without sacrificing deep emotions.

  3. That, My Dear, was pretty impressive! You have such a way of expressing yourself! I do love you and most of your personalities;) I've been on this ride long enough to know what comes next! I can't imagine life any other way! Remember, you don't have to worry about me running around on you because, with you, I can have a different man every night!~!~! Just remember, I love YOU:)))

  4. Thanks sweetie, I'm glad you like most of me. Now, remember, keep your hands and feet inside until the ride has come to a safe and complete stop.

  5. "I believe Socrates was sadly mistaken when he said the unexamined life isn't worth living, to examine life and death and the meaning there of is to rob yourself of happiness."

    I think this is wise and right-on and absolutely impossible. At least for me.

  6. Why thanks and yes, it's probably impossible for most of us. That's one of the main reasons why, IMHO, we invent religions.

  7. For you guys what comes next is usually another kid he he... yes folks i'll be here all week... no seriously...
