Friday, October 1, 2010

man there's a lot of red trucks in the world

The other day waiting in an exam room for a doctor to come in I'm holding the one year old up to look out the tiny little exam room windows. Trying to occupy and entertain him while the doctor apparently travels from some other time zone to get to us and I start pointing out the color and types of vehicles traversing the street in front of us. "Look Sam there's a black car and there's a red truck, and there's a blue mini-van, and there's a red truck, and there's a white Cleveland County van, and there's a red truck, and there's a blue car, etc..." So then on the way home we start counting red trucks (not blue cars like in that song where the kid says he's going to meet God. And then he calls God a she which I'm sure some people believe but I think most that say it are just trying to rebel against the status quot. I think if we believe in God and believe that God is all that and a bag of chips then we have to agree that God is not a sexually reproductive entity and would therefore not actually be male or female. Which is something the Judeo/Christian God has over the old Greek/Roman Gods, I mean you never knew when one of them my fly down and rape you. Of course the J/C God might allow your whole family to be killed off, rob you of all your possessions and cover you with boils just to prove how faithful you are but he's never raped anyone. Hmmm, I guess believers can't be choosers.) So, back on point. We counted, okay I counted Rainey turned it into a punch bug game and wore my arm out, about 30 red trucks between the doctors office to Wal-Mart and then to home. So like I said, there are a lot of red trucks in town. I'm still trying to get Rainey to stop punching me every time we see a red truck. And a beetle, and a convertible, and a p.t. cruiser, and a Jeep and God help if it's a red, beetle convertible.


  1. Hey, now! I thought we were having fun:( You're just jealous because I could spot more because you were driving! I'm sorry about your arm "princess." I'll try to take it easy on you from now on;))

  2. I don't think I've mentioned lately how much I enjoy reading this blog!

    "Believers can't be choosers . . ." (snicker)
