Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My most favorite day of the year.

   There's a time and a place for everything under heaven, King Solomon wrote it and the Byrds sang it. For the purpose of my blog I say there's a time to be funny, which I often try and do, a time for introspection, a time to create and a time to reflect and with Thanksgiving, my most favorite holiday of them all (only minutes away as I write this) I think now would be as good a time as  any to reflect. I'm going to get a little sentimental and forgive me if I border on maudlin but it's the way I feel when I think of all the wonderful things in my life, there are so many things for me to be thankful for that a comprehensive list would go for days, so I'll just share those closest to my heart.
   I'm so thankful for a mother and father who raised me and loved me, I see and know so many people who didn't and don't have this basic need, two parents who worked to provide all my needs and most of my wants and that worked at their relationship, which was far from perfect, to provide a stable home for me and my sister. I'm thankful for a good job that pays decent and that I don't mind going too. A job that allows me to provide a roof over our heads, that allows us to have a full refrigerator and allows for plenty of life's comforts as well. I'm thankful for my children, as aggravating as they can sometimes be, they cause lots of worry and headache but make up for it with the joy they bring to my life. I'm thankful that they're all still healthy and I hope and pray they stay that way. I'm thankful for friends and family that smile when they see me and seem genuinely happy to see and here from me and, as silly as it is, I'm thankful for those friends and family that take the time to read this little blog. I know sometime tomorrow the question, what are you most thankful for, is going to come up and normally I'm wishy-washy on these kind of things but on this one I don't hesitate. I'm most thankful for my wonderful wife. Rainey has loved me and stood by me through some really difficult times, even through some times when she wished she didn't love me she still stayed right there, strong, the rock that not only our marriage but my whole life leaned upon. She's my cornerstone, holding the edifice of our life plum and square. She's also my best friend, the one I share my feelings, desires and fears with. The one I laugh with most often. She's beautiful and intelligent and I know I'd be lost without her. I'm also thankful that I can see that clearly now, there have been times when I've lost sight of how much we need each other, I hope I never do again. I love you Rainey, happy Thanksgiving. To all my friends, I love you guys, your the best, happy Thanksgiving.
   Now that I've got a little lump in my throat and a tear in the corner of my eye maybe it's time for a little levity. Thanksgiving marks the official start of the Christmas season and the earliest date I'll let myself listen to Christmas songs, so here's one to get ya' started: I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Sweetheart! You are the greatest man I know. Thank you so much for loving me and supporting me and sharing this crazy-delirious life with me. I too would be lost without you. I am living the life I always wanted, and you are my prince charming:) I love you always and forever!

  2. As one of those friends who smiles when she sees you and as a still newlywed myself who gets the "plum and square" part - thanks for writing this one.

    Wanna split the wishbone?
