Thursday, January 13, 2011

You know your getting old when...

You know your getting old when...
  • you get up off the couch and your joints loudly crunch and crackle.
  • you look at your sons i-tunes and you don't recognize any of the bands. And speaking of i-tunes,
  • you have to have your son put music on your i-pod for you. I feel bad now for making fun of my mom when her vcr use to flash 12:00 all the time.
  • you've been married for 20 years.
  • 7:00 at night is just to late to drive to another town for dinner.
  • for your big anniversary you eat left over chicken and watch two episodes of Jeopardy, and you enjoy it.
  • you dvr Jeopardy.
  • you subscribe to a word-of-the-day email (today's word was guttural).
  • you want coffee, with every meal. And finally,
  • you start hurting in random places for no apparent reason.
Yep, I'm getting old. But as a lovely older woman I use to work with always said, "It's better than the alternative."


  1. Hey, wait a minute! I believe you're throwing me under the bus with you! I don't believe some of those things makes us older-it's the five children we have that's zapping all of our energy;) Well, the coffee thing does make YOU sound really old!!! I love you anyway!

  2. i've got the creaking and popping joints... the first sign is there.

  3. I really enjoy these posts - always! And while I can't claim to have been married 20 years (blasted fate that kept me from my beloved!), a lot of the rest of this makes sense to me.
