Friday, August 3, 2012

Completely 100% free of chicken controversies.

The GSCT season opener is coming up in a few weeks (I'm not sure of the exact date, although I should be) and I've been asked to once again impersonate the King of Rock n' Roll, Elvis Aron Presley. At first I didn't really want to because it felt like it was just a year or two ago when I'd done this but then I realized it's been more like 5 years. Still, personally, I think I'd rather do Perry Como or Dean Martin or maybe pull out a Broadway song but then I think about the audience and I think they'll eat up a return of the king (not Aragorn). Which reminds me of something completely unrelated the quote from Clerks 2 - " All right, look, there's only one 'Return,' okay, and it ain't 'of the King,' it's 'of the Jedi.'." Now keeping with the random free flow set up of this blog that reminds me of something else I discussed with a friend recently. When I was a kid I loved Star Wars and just sort of liked Star Trek, as I got older Star Wars (while still great) lost some of it's magic and Star Trek gained ground. And while I'm on Star Trek I had never watched more than one or two episodes of the original show while I became a big fan of TNG but thanks to NetFlix I'm now hooked on the first Star Trek. I think the difference is that Star Wars is more sweeping space opera/action movie were as Star Trek is more character driven and issue oriented. That's the tv shows not the movies. I should go back some time and watch the movies and see how they stack up (if memory serves, Star Wars would whoop up in that sort of apple to apples comparison).  Ben and Sam (6 and 3 respectfully, not that their usually respectful mind you) are playing rock band with the Rock Band drums and guitar but not with the video game, just with their imaginations, brilliant. Ben's playing drums and making up words while Sam is playing guitar singing, "Rock and roll, rock and roll." Alrighty I think it's time for the baby to eat, he's sitting on my lap gnawing on my finger and he's starting to get fussy.

Niel Gaiman announced his next novel (not kids book or graphic novel) is coming out next summer. The good lord willing and the creek don't rise I know what I'll be reading next year.

1 comment:

  1. Star Wars is about conflict and good overcoming evil. Star Trek is about exploration, learning what the galaxy holds for us. At least that's my take into the two. I prefer Star Trek when it come right down to it. I think its a travesty that there isn't a current star trek television show on TV.
