Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A litte randomness from the rambling one. (What? I thought it sounded alright.)

Hang on, let me go move the cookies to the cooling rack right quick. Okay, I'm back. Did you miss me? No, of course not your not reading this in real time. Well in your real time but not as I'm... you get the idea. First off I realize I've been a bit remiss in sharing the wonderful and funny anecdotes and quotes of my band of bandar-logs (my children, for the uninitiated). So here's one to get us back on track. The other day Rainey and I were watching Top Shot, it's a reality competition for marksmen, and Sam comes walking into the living room quickly followed by an unpleasant odoriferousness and I ask him, "Did you poop?" Now he isn't looking at me but at the t.v. and he says, "I pu blue team." So, not quite understanding and a little perplexed I ask, "You pooped the blue team?" Well Rainey and I got quite a laugh out of it before realizing he was pulling for the blue team on Top Shot.
That still makes me smile. Well on to other things we're right smack in the middle of rehearsals for Rabbit Hole, which I believe is going to be one hell of a performance. Excuse me, one heck of a performance. Okay that's a little nod to our very talented director making the difficult call to cut some of the adult language from the play. It's easy to cut cursing that's just there for cursing sake but harder when it helps to identify a character. But some of the most offensive language was very early into the very first scene and he didn't want people to walk out before getting to know the characters. I know it was a hard call for him but considering who our core audience is I think it's probably the right call.
And finally (I think) I've been both a plumber and a mechanic in the past week and I am neither a plumber nor a mechanic. But when your broke you got to figure out how to do things for yourself. It's great to have people to ask and to have yahoo or goggle to look things up on but it can also be a bit confusing as you can get lots of different answers.
Alright I suppose that's it for now and seeing as how I'm a fan of non-sequiturs I'll leave you with a favorite quote from a once favorite movie of mine. "Lay of the boots Harley."

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I have always had a deep seated hate for the board game Aggravation because it's just so dang... well, aggravating. Yesterday evening I felt as though I had been playing the game all week. By nine last night I was pretty worn out and tired, it had been a long day filled with getting up before the sun and working my butt off and fighting kids and cat hair, lot's of f-ing cat hair and I'm afraid I was wearing my feelings a bit on my sleeve. It wasn't all bad yesterday, but I think it was a week worth of 'stuff' built up on a tired, caffeine hyped old man. I started out listing some of the 'woes', and I use the term very lightly, hence the quotations, that plagued us this week but it felt too much like whining, so I deleted them. Let's just say it's been a somewhat trying week both at work and home.
I usually try to keep this blog reader friendly and not go into religious/political issues too much, just glossing over them on occasion but one of the things that bugged me this week were two billboards a group has put up in Shebly, one leaving town and one coming in to town. The billboards read 'Vote for Marriage on May 8th' and it really just pissed me off when I saw them. I'm afraid I'm going to have to fly my liberal flag for a minute and say that this marriage amendment change seems to me to be just slight of a hate crime. You've got two well intentioned sides arguing over who can and can't claim the idea of marriage and one side says, 'You know what? We're going to change the state amendment so some judge can't just change the law.' I understand that homosexuality is something strange for most of us, perhaps hard to understand but I don't understand why so many people hate homosexuals. The idea that gay marriage undermines hetro-marriage seems incomprehensible to me. It's like when the military said gays can't serve openly because they could be black mailed for being gay. Do what? You can paint this issue with all the colors of the rainbow (pun intended) but I think it boils down to a deep seated bigotry toward homosexuals. I wish someone would put a billboard right next to these that says, 'Don't vote for hate on May 8th'. All right I'm climbing off the soap box and putting my liberal flag back on the shelf.
I hate to end a blog without a silver lining so let me say that despite the aggravation of the last week I've also had some really good times too. I've got my lines for Rabbit Hole learned (for the most part), I got to see a play at the newly renovated and gorgeous Joy theater in KM, I watched the new Footloose (it was s'alright) with my wife and speaking of said wife I got to spend a lot more time with her this week than I would have had I had my car and I feel like we got a little closer, which is always a wonderful silver lining.